Friday, September 5, 2014

Principles of Financial Wisdom

Principle #3

"Money itself is Not the Root of All Evil. It's the Love of Money that is the Root of Many Kinds of Evil."

There was no money involved when lucifer rebelled against The Lord in Heaven and was cast down to the Earth with a third of the angels.  

There was no money involved in the evil perpetrated against his only brother, Abel, when Cain murdered him. In fact, the root source of evil in both cases mentioned above was:  "Jealousy."

What do you think led satan to become so proud, that he would ultimately say to himself that he would ascend higher than GOD MOST HIGH? Whenever someone desires to become mutanous like that, seeking to take hold of something greater, which does not belong to, and in this case, could never belong to him, there is a pre-meditating element involved in the heart. That someone begins to think about that which he or she does not have instead of what he or she does have. A jealous and/or envious lust begins to ensue about the greater:  status, position, possession, etc. - that someone else has, which develops into an evil covetousness.  Jealousy is the tap root of the oncoming sins. 

Same was the case with Cain. He became enraged with jealousy because The Lord accepted his brother Abel's offering and not his own. The bible declares that unchecked anger in the heart can lead to murder, and that is exactly what happened. Yet jealousy was the evil tap root that led to Cain's horrific sin. 

 So that's just a couple examples of many, where even the "Love of Money," cannot be the Root of  "All" Evil. 

Money itself is Neutral. It simply depends upon the "Heart" of the individual who holds it, that determines whether it will be a "Root of Evil," or "An Enhancement & Form of Blessing and Exchange," in his or her life. The choice is and always has been up to each person and their own set of values. We all have the capacity to do Just as Much, if not FAR MORE GOOD with Money than we have the ability to allow it to become "A Root of Evil," in our Lives. 

Those Who Remain Close to The Lord Jesus Christ will Always be those who do the Greatest Good with the Riches they have Obtained! 

Inspiration: "The Money Jar"

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